The committee have agreed to amend the way we currently play from the gorse removal areas.
The rules will came into play on 2/04/2019.

In simple speak you have the option to play the ball where it lies without penalty or to take full relief from the red lined areas under penalty of one shot.
Preferred lies will remain in operation until 30th of April.
Relief for Ball in Penalty Area - Rule of Golf: 17.1d
When a players ball is in a penalty area, including when it is known or virtually certain to be in a penalty area even though not found, the player may take relief using one of the options under Rule 17.1d , each for one penalty stroke.
(1) Stroke & Distance Relief – The player may play the original ball or another ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6)
(2) Back On the Line Relief – The player may drop the original ball or another ball (see Rule 14.3) in a relief area that is based on a reference line going straight back from the hole through the estimated point where the original ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area.
• Reference Point: A point on the course chosen by the player that is on the reference line and is farther from the hole than the estimated point (with no limit on how far back on the line) In choosing this reference point, the player should indicate the point by using an object (such as a tee) If the player drops the ball without having chosen this point, the reference point is treated as being the point on the line that is the same distance from the hole as where the dropped ball first touched the ground.
• Size of relief Area Measured from Reference Point: One club-length but with these limits
• Limits on Location of Relief Areao Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and may be in any area of the course except the same penalty area, but If more than one area of the course is located within one club-length of the reference point, the ball must come to rest in the relief area in the same area of the course that the ball first touched when dropped in the relief area. A player may stand in a penalty area to play a ball outside the penalty area including after taking relief from the penalty area.
(3) Lateral Relief (Only for Red Penalty Area) – When the ball has crossed the edge of a red penalty area, the player may drop the original ball or another ball in the lateral relief area (see Rule 14.3) • Reference Point: The estimated point where the original ball last crossed the edge of the red penalty area.
• Size of relief Area Measured from Reference Point: Two club-lengths but with these limits
• Limits on Location of Relief Area Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and May be in any area of the course exceptthe same penalty area, but If more than one area of the course is located within one club-length of the reference point, the ball must come to rest in the relief area in the same area of the course that the ball first touched when dropped in the relief area.
A player may stand in a penalty area to play a ball outside the penalty area including after taking relief from the penalty area.