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A great golfing week...

The machine that is golf continues at a pace as we head into the winter golf period.

On Saturday 30th October we all had to turn our clocks back an hour announcing the arrival of the dark winter months, and shorter days, and it was immediately noticeable that all of the shops quickly filled up with Christmas goods.

No one seems to have told the unusually mild weather though and golfers are still opting for tee shirts and shorts.

It hasn't stopped our intrepid Caister Pairs which is picking up more and more momentum and saw 46 pairs play on Wednesday 26th October.

The winners were Ben and Simon Fuller from Cromer 👏🏼

Brilliantly we are expecting another full house at the next Caister Pairs event in November.

On Friday 28th October, our seniors played their annual Texas Scramble ahead of their own AGM and dinner. And on Sunday 30th our scary scramblers were soaked through thanks to a deluge of rain and everyone who played deserved a medal as big as a frying pan for sticking it out!

As we head into the Christmas period our calendar of events is still full including plenty of activity out on the links thanks to perfect winter conditions and we have lots of special golfing events such as Captains Dinner, Champions Day, Captains Drive in/out, and of course our traditional Christmas Dinner (which is almost full) to keep you entertained.

And with Christmas in mind, if you're looking for a gift that keeps on giving, we recommend a GYC Golf Voucher to pop under the tree!

Best wishes, Tim

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